According to Shia LaBeouf wants to make a movie about undergrown MC, Cage. (That's rapper in laymen terms) Now I am

a big Cage fan, but as far as I'm concerned the jury's still out on LaBeof, but as long as he doesn't eff up Indy I'm sure I'll be ok.
Seriously though can anyone see Shia in a battle? I guess I'm just judging him on his past parts. I am glad someone want's to make biopics on the dope MC's that get no radio play. Seriously Rap/Hip-Hop on the radio is horrible. You wo

uldn't know but there are still a lot of good hip-hop music being made, you just have to know where to find it. I wonder if this pet project of his will ever make it out of the "I wanna" stage. I hope so, maybe it would open te doors for undergrown biopics. I can't wait for the El-P/Co-Flow story. How about "A Man and His Mask: the M.F. Doom story." or "The Funkiest of Homosapiens; Del, the Untold Story"
Don't know Cage? You should. Check out his MySpace Page
HERE. It even contains a slo-mo shot of LaBeouf throwing up Cage's Sign on SNL.