X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Not only has the above photo been realsed this week but several new casting roumors have been reported (or blogged). Ain't it cool news reports Ryan Reynolds will be playing the smarth mouthed mercarny Deadpool. Super Hero Hype announced that Taylor Kitsch will be playing that crafty cajun Gambit. And in from left field, slashfilm wrote that rapper will.i.am from the Black Eyed Peas will play John Wraith a mutant teleporter who teamed worked with Wolverine during his Canadian espionage days. (even stranger they say his group mate Taboo will play an unknown role in the Chung Li movie?!)
Batman: The Dark Knight

This Photo was posted by darkhorizons and is not only a toy of Aaron Eckhart as Two-Face, but what life actually looks like out of Two-Face's bad eye.

This Photo was posted by darkhorizons and is not only a toy of Aaron Eckhart as Two-Face, but what life actually looks like out of Two-Face's bad eye.
Watchmen has wrapped shooting and begun what I can only imagine is an immense editing phase. Lucky for us Zack Snyder wasn't too busy to drop this new Rorschach still on us!

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