Well it's week (honestly who's counting anymore) of the writer's strike and both sides are so full of knuckleheads, they can't even sit in a room together! I have my sneaking suspicions that the studios think they can wait for an outcome similar to the 1988 writers strike. If that's the case than I can't blame the WGA for standing their ground. The current contract is, in all fairness lacking in several areas. But I do think the WGA is making a few mistakes, for one not sitting at a table with the AMPTP. Also the decision to give Letterman's writers a pass while denying other shows the exact same deal, seem to wreak of favoritism.
Why not give the writers the same percentage of what the studio makes on said writers work, no matter what medium they make it off of? I guess that just makes too much sense.
Which brings me to my point, I miss the writers! Reality TV is rarely interesting, I can only take but so many game shows with canned cliffhangers and overly suspenseful music during a long pause. I want to laugh, I want to be entertained, I don't want to seem suspicious hubbies taking lie detector tests or the plight of some random, D list celebrity trying to meet their one true love in a focus group.
What I don't understand is why the studios don't give us some good old fashioned Improv comedy shows. Give us more Who's Line or Green Screen or hey networks make up your own!
Still not convinced? I dare you to watch these clips and not laugh!
First up is two clips from Drew Carey's Green Screen
Here's a short clip of the original British Who's Line
And finially one of the funniest episodes of the US version, with a special guest star!
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