All over blogs, big or small you can read all about this weeks shocking episode of The Wire, If you haven't seen it I'm not gonna spoil it for you. (click here if you just got to know) I am going to write about what I believe to be overlooked as so many details in the wire are. In one scene we are treated to the inside of Baltimore's scummiest of lawyers, Maurice Levy's law offices. Now you may have read of David Simon's tip of his hat to the real Baltimore quite often and in this instance it featured one my favorite artist, Robert McClintock. Levy's walls are covered with his work!
Robert McClintock is a self described "HYBRiD PHoTO-DiGiTAL ARTiST" meaning he uses

Whenever your in Baltimore's Fell's Point, I recommend you stop by McClintock's studio it's at 1809 Thames Street. If you need a zip for Google Maps it's 21231, which is coincidently right next to where NBC would shoot the external shots of the police precinct in Homicide.
Oh and I caught wind of a rumor the character Detective John Munch, played by Richard Belzer,who is currently on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, is going to make a cameo on an episode of this season's Wire. For those who don't know Belzer first played Munch on the Baltimore based Homicide, and will be setting some sort of record for most appearances in different TV shows as the same character. It seems this time TV is giving Simon a nod seeing as he wrote Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets, which became Homicide: Life on the Street. (Ok so he's really giving himself a nod, but I think he deserves it.)
1 comment:
yes maury levy is collector of mine...
he's a bit of a jerk but he always pays CASH
true dat
rOBeRT mCc
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