Monday, October 1, 2007

Happy October!!! Heroes, Batman and Beer!

Yes, yes it's the merry month of October. Whats so great about October? You may ask. Well for starters it's fall! I know fall has officially begun a few days ago, but in my corner of the world we have lots of trees and now they start changing colors. The air is getting a little cooler, and much crisper, not nearly as humid. The Palaba's Post HQ is located in scenic Baltimore Maryland. At least once you must see Maryland's Eastern Shore in the fall. Annapolis is nice too but I like to get as far from a city as I can once in awhile.

What else is so great about October? Heroes!
I'm two episodes in and already I'm on the edge of my seat.
I think one of the reasons I originally got excited about Heroes is some of the talent behind My second favorite Television Series. (If you have to ask you need to see the Wire.)

So if your a big Heroes fan like myself Check out this October appropriate trade from Jeph Loeb (Heroes' Co-Executive Producer and writer)
and Tim Sale (The artist behind all Issac Mendez's paintings)

Some reviews Here, Here, Here and Here

Now I'm really not the biggest Halloween fan around.
Something about the smell of walking around in a rubber mask
makes me think I'm working at a Spencer's or my local dollar store.
That thought is just frightening, and I am big baby when it comes to Horror.
I do enjoy all the stories that accompany the sugar charged holiday, ET, Great Pumpkin, Garfield Odie and the Pirates, you know the scary stuff. All kidding aside I'll be publishing some great trades for October, so while were on the topic of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale here's one more monster tale form them, Hulk Grey.

But my favorite thing about October can be surmised in one
word, beer! Happy Oktoberfest, get drinkin', those crafty Germans
start there Oktoberfest in September (I blame the metric system)
But Remember to drink safe and bring a designated driver or a bus pass.

All the books should be found easily online,
but I like to support local comic shops. Here's mine.
Need help finding the trades?
U.S. use the Comic Shop Locater.
UK use this one Here.

Happy Haunting


Anonymous said...

Yesss Yesss OKTOBERFEST!!!! Come hang with your (German/Irish/Anything's a good reason to drink) buddy!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Erin, Octoberfest is awesome!! Plus it's football season and it's getting cool outside. Horror movies, candy, and the Simpsons House of Horror... I love this time of year!!!!!