Ok This is one of the most fun pieces of marketing I've seen in a minute. Check out the site SliceoflifeTV.com, there is a little prank you can play on your unsuspecting loved ones, while at the same time do a little advertising for Showtime's Dexter. (I've never seen Dexter or really herd anything about it, so if you've seen it let me know what's up in the comments.) All you need to do is head over to SliceoflifeTV.com enter you victim's e-mail address and Name, answer a few questions and the rube of your choice will receive an e-mail from you with a link to a fake news story. The fake news story tells of a serial killer in Miami who is not so subtlety targeting your prank victim. I recommend sending it to yourself first so you can see in what context the answers to your questions appear, but it's some great Halloween fun so what are you waiting for? When your done come back and tell me how your victim reacted.
Try it Here
That is hilarious
I got some Dexter if you interested. That Fucker and Omar have deep moral groundings put to bad ass use.
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