Ok so this may be old news , but if you haven't heard Dominic West has been signed to play Jigsaw in the new Punisher Movie. For those of who's don't know either name heres a visual guide, thats Dominic West on the left and Jigsaw on the right. If you don't know Dominic West you NEED to watch, buy, rent The Wire. I am excited to see West play a crazy comic book bad guy, instead of that conniving comic book bad guy from 300. I'm looking forward to seeing him in this role and will undoubtedly write more on my excitement about this movie in the post's to come.

But what do you think would happen? Would they fight to the death? Who would win? Or would they team up and Run on an Independent ticket in the '08 Presidential election? And if so Who would Vice and what would their platform be? Tough on crime I guess. Let me know in the comments.
Check out Lexi Alexander's (The Director of the Punisher War Zone) Blog Here
Or the Official Site of HBO's The Wire Here
Or the Official Site of HBO's The Wire Here
as long as Omar has his shotgun the punisher couldn't handle him
Yea Omar would kick his @ss
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